What we Offer?

Purified water is mainly chemically treated water that is free of bacteria and other potentially harmful elements. It serves a variety of functions. Its most important application is in the pharmaceutical industry and medicines productions. Purified water is produced through processes such as pretreatment, reverse osmosis, electrodeionization (EDI), ultraviolet light, and filtration. ENVTEK is a firm that specializes in pharmaceutical water treatment solutions.
- We take pride in our ability to be responsive, versatile, and to provide our customers with a PW And WFI system that precisely meet their requirements.
- We provide Generation and Distribution systems for purified water(PW) and WFI(water for injection).

Waste water recovery and re-use is a crucial need in present world because our excessive water demands in various industries are putting a strain on raw water sources.
The wastewater recovery process achieves >90% recovery rates, implying a significant reduction in the operating costs of heavy-duty equipment used to purify raw/seawater. We at ENVTEK recognize the importance of waste water recovery and reuse, and we offer a variety of waste water recovery treatments such as pre-filtration, critical-filtration (including ultra-filtration and nano-filtration), and membrane separation. Agriculture, automotive, construction, marine services, industrial manufacturing, Food processing and other industries require waste water treatment.

There are many uses of water in industry . Raw water entering an industrial plant frequently requires treatment in order to meet strict quality specifications for use in specific industrial processes. So we are providing effective, low-cost and high-quality solutions to that. We offer industrial water treatments such as Nanofiltration Systems, Commercial Reverse Osmosis Systems, Industrial Reverse Osmosis Systems, Ultrafiltration Systems, Industrial Filtration, and so on. Some of the industries we are concerned in are pharmaceutical formulations, parenteral and API, pulp and paper manufacturers, dairy processing units, Chrome Plating, Textile & Polyester yarn manufacturers, Hotels & Resorts and food and beverage production processing units.

Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD) is a treatment method that removes all liquid waste from a system. Zero liquid discharge can be broadly defined as a process for recovering as much water as possible from a waste water source that would otherwise be disposed. Some of the applications of ZLD wastewater stream include Membrane System Reject (NF, MF, UF, RO), Demineralization Waste, Flue Gas Desulfurization (FGD) Blowdown / Purge, and NOx Injection Water. Effect Evaporator, Agitated Thin Film Dryer, and Mechanical Vapour Recompression are some of the zero liquid discharge evaporation technologies that we offer our clients.
The textile industry is primarily concerned with the design, production and distribution of yarn, cloth and clothing.
The pharmaceutical industry discovers, develops, produces, and markets drugs or pharmaceutical drugs.
Pulp and Paper
The pulp and paper industry comprises companies that use wood as raw material and produce pulp, paper, paperboard and other cellulose-based products.
The plastics industry manufactures polymer materials—commonly called plastics—and offers services in plastics.